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一次意外,來自毛卡多多星的外星人毛毛與他的宇宙船卡多爾不幸地墜落到香港的一個角落。但卡多爾不醒人事;毛毛在地球水土不服,面對種種難題前,首要解決的卻是那香港貴到跳舞的租金!可憐毛毛唯有化身成香港典型的鐵人打工仔,日日做到沒停手;口; 請大家齊來為阿毛、也為自己薄薪賣命而高唱勉勵的歌吧!
An accident leads an alien, MOMO and his UFO jump down to Hong Kong. His UFO is unconscious, he is in acclimatization, etc. There are many problems MOMO is facing! Yet? He should settle the rent first… Because RENT is so expensive in Hong Kong!! MOMO becomes an employee and earn $$$$! Come on! Add oil, MOMO!! Employee in Hong Kong as same as a cow, Just do your best to be a GOOD COW~!!
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